Rex’s Recommendation #2 : Colin Seis – Outstanding NSW Farmer & Educator
"Colin Seis is a highly regarded leader in regenerative agriculture in Australia. His technique of pasture cropping is the first major change in the way crops have been grown for the last 10,000 years. The technique has been shown to improve Farm Ecosystems, Soil Ecosystems, Farm resilience and much more. Extensive soil testing on Winona has shown that eliminating all cultivation other than the direct drilling for pasture cropping, together with rotational grazing, has enabled dramatic improvements in soil condition.
Soil carbon has increased by 203% to 90 tonnes a hectare over a ten-year period. This equates to storage of around 170 tonnes of CO2 (equivalent) a hectare. Seventy-eight per cent of newly sequestered carbon is in the humic fraction of the soil. This is non-labile, therefore much more stable and significantly less subject to degradation."
Rex Harris, Piccadilly Park, Bangalow
Colin Seis grew up on the family property, called Winona, in the Central Tablelands of NSW. After a horrific fire in 1979 he lost everything, buildings, fencing infrastructure and 3000 sheep. That tragedy started Colin on a journey of rebuilding, with a focus on restoring native pastures, which ultimately led to his development of an innovative practice known as multi-species pasture cropping.
Film produced by Grow Love Project for Soils for Life
Soils For Life
Our Story
Soils for Life is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that works across Australia. Our work is possible thanks to the generosity of donors and grant-makers and the commitment of our farming champions.
Soils for Life was founded in 2013 by former Governor General Major General the Honorable Michael Jeffery, Australia’s first National Soils Advocate. As a highly respected public figure, with a passion for agriculture and ability to connect with Australians from all walks of life, Major General Jeffery put soil firmly on the national agenda.
For almost a decade, Soils for Life has worked tirelessly to uncover and promote the stories of farmer innovators across the country. We are now moving into a new phase, working to support and enable the next cohort of soil stewards to regenerate Australia’s soils and landscapes.