Want to do something about Climate Change?
Actions YOU Can Take NOW that make a difference
1. Lower Your Electricity Use
- Install LED lights and insulate your home
- Minimise air-conditioner use
- Choose energy efficient appliances
- Learn more saving tips
- Follow renew.org.au
- Discover incentives at energysaver.nsw.gov.au
2. Go Solar & Save More Than Money
Solar panels, solar hot water & batteries technology are more accessible than ever.
Run appliances like dishwashers, washing machines or ovens while the sun is shining.
3. Switch to Ethical Electricity
Discover which retailers are investing in renewables and moving out of fossil fuels. Support them.
Investigate GreenPower to support new renewable generation whoever you are with.
4. Plant Trees
- Join in/or to Donate to Tree Planting Projects
- Protecting or replanting forests and wetlands allows carbon drawdown and storage
5. Change How You Eat & Shop

- Buy local plant-based food from regenerative farmers. For instance, try this!
- Learn about plant-based eating and eat less meat & dairy – any cut-down helps
- Shop mindfully. Imported foods have a much higher carbon footprint
6. Increase Demand for Electric Vehicles & Fly Less
- When EVs become affordable for you – make the switch!
- Investigate second hand EVs
- Build workplace fleets of EVs.
- Seek to electrify all vehicles & tools currently using fossil fuels.
- See The Driven News and bust EV vehicle myths.
- Cut down all non-essential flying
7. Consume Less & Reduce Waste

Everything you buy required energy, land and transport and these generated emissions. If you buy less you reduce your carbon footprint.
The trick is to return to the habits of our frugal ancestors who delayed replacing items by taking great care of the stuff they had.
Do whatever it takes to stop items going to landfill: reuse, share, fix and sell second hand and make sure all your green waste gets composted - both garden and food waste can go in green bins in our shire. See more local resources in our directory and visit Mullum Cares website to see what consumption busting ideas they're promoting at the moment.
8. Divest from Fossil Fuels

Withdrawing funds from planet wrecking projects changes the financial culture
- Change to ethical, fossil fuel-free investments, banking and superannuation
- See: marketforces.org.au
9. Help Stop More Fossil Fuel Production!
Donate you energy or money to movements fighting fossil fuel production. e.g. stopadani.com, lockthegate.org.au, marketforces.org.au, extinction rebellion
We need to phase out existing fossil fuel projects and prevent new ones
10. Engage Politically

Put pressure on candidates, parties and sitting members to take climate action:
- Ring, write, email, show up
- Vote for candidates who will take climate action
- Join climate marches, like School Strike 4 Climate
- Ask for much higher Emissions Reductions Targets and a National Action Plan on Climate Change
- Skill up at thechangeagency.org
11. Talk About It More

- Raise awareness about practical climate actions with your family, work colleagues and in business and community circles.
- Share information on social media, try to reach out to people who don’t know what can be done.
- Let people know it is possible to limit climate change with lower emissions - and that they can also do something
12. Stay Informed

Know about the reality and the solutions to counter myths and misinformation. There are many reputable websites with excellent clear information. For clear info see:
Australia is currently a climate laggard and we can do so much more!
Advocate for change and support others who are taking action
It is NOT too late, focussed social movements do work. Add your voice to a cause that inspires you to act.