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Feb 2020 e-news
Fires. Floods. Climate change – in Australia – finally in the spotlight. Some words on this particular moment in time from Vicki Brooke, Chair of Zero Emissions Byron Limited: So many wonderful words have been written about the devastating fires that caused loss of life, property, animals and whole environments, what more can you add? Grief,…

Enter Zero Emissions Byron Electric Vehicle survey – and win a chance to drive a Tesla for a day
As the EV Expo proposed for 7 November had to be postponed due to COVID, community group Zero Emissions Byron (ZEB) has launched a survey designed to find out what barriers prevent NSW Northern Rivers residents from buying an electric vehicle (EV). The survey seeks to understand exactly what people would like to know about…

Introducing our Electric Vehicle Future: ZEB’s EV Forum: 8 June 2019
Zero Emissions Byron to holding day-long, family-friendly exhibition and forum about the latest electric vehicles and technology.

Decade Of Ecological Restoration Series – Episode 5 – Rotational Grazing (Cows) – Joey Ruigrok
Joey co-manages a 10 acre property with his ex-partner, neither of them are farmers rather artists with an ideological approach to sustainability, creativity, art and culture. “I discovered that our neighbours small herd of 7 cows had completely depleted the grass in her 4 acre paddock in winter and there was nothing for the cows…

Net Zero by 2050 – how the transport sector can be managed to contribute
The Grattan car plan: practical policies for cleaner transport and better cities calls on the Federal Government to impose a cap, or ceiling, on the emissions allowed from new cars sold in Australia each year, and to ratchet the ceiling down to zero by 2035. This would help Australia hit a national target of net zero…

Sustainable House Day – introduces Flood Resilience as a category
This year’s Sustainable House Day is March 19 but check out the website here as there are a raft of resources permanently available plus a program of workshops that runs for a month after the 19th. All featured homes will have a video showing the elements of interest and owners will either open their doors …