Bookings open for Sustainable House Day Flood Resilient Homes in Mullumbimby

Bookings are essential, open and limited to attend Sustainable House Day Talks & Tours at 6 homes in Mullumbimby that have been built back better. Designed so that homeowners and tradies can find the type of home that is most applicable to their needs or interests in either the morning or afternoon session. 3 homes are open in the morning and a different 3 in the afternoon. One is an example of a retrofitted brick veneer slab on ground, one a retrofitted solid timber home and one a house that has been raised. Each booking is for a 30min talk or tour and each house repeats the event three times. The morning sessions are at 10am, 10.45 & 11.30 and the afternoons at 1.30pm, 2.15 & 3pm.
The event organisers and many of the participating homeowners are having lunch at the Mullumbimby Ex Services club and invite participants to join them (but lunch isn't included, sorry to disappoint!)