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June e-news
June events and updates

Upcoming ZEB TALK: Professor Will Steffen. Wednesday 27 June 2018 6.30 – 8.30pm. Byron Theatre.
‘The Big U-Turn Ahead: Calling Australia to Action on Climate Change’
A provocative and insightful ZEB TALK with Earth System Scientist Professor Will Steffen from the Climate Council and the Stockholm Resilience Centre

Good Fire – Share the trailer to all your platforms to grow our collective understanding
Trailer for Good Fire Sequesters Carbon Two passionate local carbon drawdown champions, fire ecologist Dr Andy Baker and Bundjalung cultural fire practitioner Oliver Costello, encourage us to befriend fire and use it as a regenerative force rather than allow it to be an uncontrolled destructive one. They share their knowledge of the multiple benefits of…

History of atmospheric carbon dioxide from 800,000 years ago until the end of the most recent GLOBALVIEW+ CO2 collection
Carbon dioxide pumphandle – 2022 DONATE SUBSCRIBE FOR EMAIL UPDATES

Grants for Flood Effected Landholders
Thanks to the Byron Shire Council and their Agricultural Extension Officer, Andrew Cameron for sharing this information. We are happy to share it with our networks and encourage you to share to yours. The Livestock Flood Recovery Webinar advertised below was postponed. Register to hear when it gets rescheduled. Rural Financial Counselling services -…

Italy’s tiny electric vehicles leave a big impression
Zero Emissions Byron comms team member Katrina Shields shared some images of EVs she saw on her recent Italy trip last week – but they’re not something you can expect to see here any time soon.