zero byron march
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Zero Emissions Byron: Who we are and what we’ve been doing

What exactly is Zero Emissions Byron, and what have we been doing, you may ask?

Zero Emissions Byron (or as well call it, ZEB) was initiated in March 2015 as a collaboration between the Byron Shire Community, the Byron Shire Council, Beyond Zero Emissions, and the Centre for Social Change.

The organisation’s initial focus was on developing its internal structure, building relationships with key stakeholders, and creating an emissions inventory for the Byron Shire region.

Over the years, ZEB has undertaken numerous initiatives to promote sustainable living and reduce emissions. These include hosting workshops and events, such as the Good Fire Live: Cultural Burning workshop and the Sustainable House Day, and launching projects like the Byron BYD Electric Vehicle Expo and the CO2 Drawdown Stories.

ZEB has also released educational resources like the Retrofitting for Energy Independence video and the Replant Byron Native Restoration Guide. We have also conducted surveys to understand public knowledge and interest in electric vehicles and has initiated tree planting projects to sequester CO2. The organisation continues to inspire community action on reducing emissions and promoting sustainable practices.

We’ve now updated our HISTORY page to reflect these achievements; please click onto this link to see what the tiny team at Zero Emissions Byron has accomplished in our efforts to accelerate Byron Shire’s transition to net zero emissions.

What’s next, you may ask?

Right now, we’re working with Bangalow Historical Society to create a demonstration Eco House in Bangalow’s Museum, known as Heritage House. Originally a failed Brunswick Heads brothel, in 1995 the old ‘Queenslander’ style wooden building was relocated to its current site in the Bangalow Parklands in order to create a local museum.

Bangalow Eco House


Our planned transformation of the building will showcase ‘best practice’ sustainable innovations, materials and products to educate the public and individuals in a permanent display. We’re keen to show how water and electricity overheads can be reduced, and energy independence can be improved to offset “bill shock” as energy prices increase.

To do this – of course – we’re on the hunt for funds. With a grant application in process, we’re also seeking funding from anyone keen to be involved in a fabulous, tangible eco showcase. Click here to donate.

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