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THE BIG U-TURN AHEAD – Calling Australia to Action on Climate Change

Byron Theatre was packed with the concerned and the curious to hear Professor Will Steffen present the current facts from the point of view of an Earth Science expert on 27 June 2018. His radical presentation was disturbing. In the words of panellist Simon Clough: “It was profoundly challenging! But these are truths we need…

loveys actually

ZEB’s First Fundraiser for 2018: Sunday 18 March 3-4pm. A Garden Concert with THE LOVEYS!

THE LOVEYS in Concert – in a beautiful garden setting outside Bangalow. . “With swooning 5-part harmony and a cocktail-hour arsenal of instruments including guitar, ukulele, bass guitar, bassoon, drums and percussion, they have concocted a sound with shades of palm-fronded bandstands of old, elegantly sliced with the wit of the thoroughly modern woman”…(Michael Dwyer, journalist, Fairfax Press

‘A night of action on renewables’ shows keen community interest

‘A night of action on renewables’ shows keen community interest

Zero Emissions Byron hosted a ‘Night of Action on Renewables’ on August 31st, with an audience of more than 80 people who were all keenly interested in how we can develop renewables in our community. Keynote speaker Taryn Lane, a manager of Hepburn Wind, Australia’s first community-owned cooperative windfarm in Victoria, provided details of how…