Upcoming ZEB TALK: Professor Will Steffen. Wednesday 27 June 2018 6.30 – 8.30pm. Byron Theatre.
THE BIG U-TURN AHEAD! Calling Australia to Action on Climate Change
Inspiring the Byron Shire community to implement zero emissions strategies to reduce the impacts of climate change (as well as developing new economic opportunities) are among the aims of Zero Emissions Byron.
So we’ve invited noted Earth System scientist Professor Will Steffen, from the Climate Council and the Stockholm Resilience Centre, to present a ZEB TALK outlining the current top climate change challenges in Australia and around the world, and their impacts.
If our current government is failing in its duty of care with regard to climate change, what can we individuals, businesses or local governments, actually do?
And what actions give individual households and businesses the most effective ways to start reducing their emissions?
What’s better – collective, or individual action?
What can we all be doing now to chart a way forward and reduce emissions in a way that’s realistic, and economically feasible?
Promising to make it ‘fun and sustainable’, MC Mick O’Regan will follow Professor Steffen’s ZEB TALK facilitating an expert panel in a Q&A session with Sue Higginson to speak on Environmental Law, Tony Pfeiffer on Renewable energy, Amelia Hicks on Grass Roots action, and Simon Clough on Democracy in Action.
Don’t hold back: Book now!
Tickets a mere $18.80. Book through Byron Theatre