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Climate ‘state of emergency’ declared
Byron Shire Council has voted to declare a climate emergency and urged other councils to follow suit.
It has been confirmed that during the winter of 2023, the sea ice around Antarctica is in sharp decline. Experts are now concerned it may not recover. Why is sea ice important? What has it got to do with a Five-Sigma Event? This might hurt your brain but hang in there… First and simply, sea…
Tracking solar uptake in the Shire – Oct 22.
ZEB Board member, Dr Muriel Watt, updates the uptake of solar PV in Byron Shire. Almost 6 MW of solar PV were installed in the year 2021-22. Total installed capacity is now over 41 MW. When Zero Emissions Byron began in 2015, the installed capacity of solar PV in Byron Shire was less than 10MW….
THE BIG U-TURN AHEAD – Calling Australia to Action on Climate Change
Byron Theatre was packed with the concerned and the curious to hear Professor Will Steffen present the current facts from the point of view of an Earth Science expert on 27 June 2018. His radical presentation was disturbing. In the words of panellist Simon Clough: “It was profoundly challenging! But these are truths we need…
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Byron Shire Council takes action on Climate Adaptation
The Bangalow Herald’s cover story in this month’s edition is a ‘whos who’ of likely candidates who will take the battons and continue to represent us and drive action on Climate Change in our LGA. In addition to finishing the great work of staff and councillors before them to reach the 2030 net zero goal…